In Memoriam: Richard C. Richards

We were very sad to learn that our dear friend and author Richard Richards passed away peacefully earlier this month. He had a clever sense of humor and wit that will be missed. It was an honor and a delight to help him publish his books.

Professor Richards had many accomplishments with his latest efforts resulting in two published books ‘A Philosopher Looks at The Sense of Humor‘ and ‘Poems that Almost Got Away: Reflections on Death and Life‘, and many iris hybrid introductions. During his lifetime, Richards was deeply involve in everything iris and contributed regularly in the form of presentations of his latest findings and seedling introductions at regional and local chapters of the American Iris Society, namely The San Diego Iris Society. His award winning irises included tall bearded irises ‘Amethyst Winter’ ‘Marty Richards’ ‘Easy Being Green’ and ‘Classical Brass.’ He also introduced a species cross iris unguicularis ‘Zzyzx.’ His hybridizing program focused on a producing a true green iris. While his program produced many greenish examples, they also came in a variety of other colors, such as the dramatic purple irises he introduced. Due to his exacting standards, every introduction had to be tall and sturdy with many buds. Richards was also an expert on Pacific Coast Native Irises which he also hybridized for fun and introduced ‘Clarice Richards’ in honor of his mother who encouraged his passion for growing and hybridizing plants.’

Richards Tall Bearded Iris ‘Easy Being Green’ – winner of AIS and AIS Region 15 awards including President’s Cup 2012

About Richard C. Richards in his own words

“I meet death occasionally for lunch, but we only talk about trivial things. We’re not really good friends, but we tolerate each other. Many of the poems in ‘Poems That Almost Got Away’ deal with death. That is a respectable topic for a philosopher, a poet, or anyone else who wants to understand this crazy disease called life, and not simply to get through it with as little thought as possible. Death to me is a concern, but not a preoccupation. I meet death occasionally for lunch, but we only talk about trivial things. We’re not really good friends, but we tolerate each other. Sometimes I joke. Sometimes you cannot tell whether I am joking or not. Neither can I…sometimes.

I remember little of my conception and birth. I assume it took place, but I was not in a position to appreciate it. It was all just a whirl of chromosomes and genes. Plus a rude exit into the world at Moscow, Idaho. They tell me it was in 1935. They could be wrong.

I had what was, compared with children today, an idyllic youth, spent in an atmosphere of no TV and other digital devices, mostly because they had not been invented yet. We roamed the fields and woods near Boise, Idaho, fished, and threw rocks at Neanderthals, who were plentiful at the time.

A move to Santa Barbara, California, after the late, great WWII introduced me to the world of thinking, stimulated and occasionally threatened by some really great teachers at both Santa Barbara High School and the University of California, Santa Barbara. At the latter I discovered my true vocation, but became a philosopher instead. UCLA put the cap on my bottle of education, and I spent nearly forty years teaching at California State Polytechnic on a one-year temporary appointment. I got all the mileage out of that appointment I could.

My first marriage produced one son, Randal, who produced nine grandchildren, who produced four great grandchildren so far. A wonderful marriage to Marlene “Marty” Richards added immeasurably to my life.

The philosophy of humor has interested me for years, and with retirement, I decided to write the book, A Philosopher Looks at The Sense of Humor. It has a serious intent and a humorous approach. That way I can offend a larger number of people: both the humorous and the serious.

My funeral occurred several years ago, but it did not take. But I got to put the fun back in FUNeral.” — Richard C. Richards, La Mesa, CA

Zoom Bombings and Zoom Etiquette

HTB | Website Design – advice about Zoom bombings, a new threat, and zoom etiquette for meeting hosts

Several years ago I started using Zoom for my webinars, mainly because I didn’t consider myself a speaker/presenter and was more comfortable at a computer. No surprise, since I am a web designer and publisher! In the meantime I have had a lot of opportunities to participate and host meetings via Zoom and I still love it.

In fact, one of the positives that has resulted from the last 2 years of intermittent quarantine and adjustments in our Covid-19 affected environment is that almost everyone who is online or has a smartphone has had a zoom meeting experience. I love that even tech challenged and people who consider them too old to learn new tricks are getting on Zoom easily.

While there are other webinar services, I am a fan of having choices, and I am glad that Zoom rose to the challenge to become the obvious favorite service. Zoom Meetings allow for direct interaction, breakout sessions, recording, archiving, audio only and video tracks for reposting and more. If you are a tech person like me and need to screenshare for better communication with your client, Zoom has a screensharing option for the host and the participants which the host controls.

Here are some tips when you host a meeting to ensure a great experience for your meeting attendees:

Make introductions – introduce yourself to the attendees and especially in a smaller meeting, be sure to acknowledge individuals by name to create a more familiar environment.

Create your environment using virtual backgrounds– at an in-person meeting you would be more aware of the quality of the environment, making it specific to your theme. It is easy to select an image or video to act as a “virtual background” with Zoom’s virtual background feature. In fact, I often find wonderful nature photographs on which create a relaxing mood for my meditation events.

One thing to be aware of is that sometimes body parts like hands and hair merge with the background image when you move around too much, or if the color of your outfit matches too closely. If you need to demonstrate something with your hands, or show movement, it’s best to avoid the virtual background altogether and instead consider installing an actual screen, or hold your meeting in a more neutral setting like an office.

Look at the camera -This probably sounds obvious, however, the tendency is to look at yourself to make sure you are presenting well. Instead, make an effort to look at your camera so that the attendees feel that you are talking directly to them.

Eliminate noise – It may seem obvious but unless you are the host you probably aren’t aware of background noise. Driving or walking and breathing while you are hosting a meeting generates more noise than you think. Barking dogs and landscape maintenance crews with loud blowers and mowers can’t be helped sometimes. Even notifications that ding on your computer will be relayed. Some of these you can control and others you cannot. If you are outdoors or in a car, when it is your turn to talk, stand still and slow down your breathing to a normal rate or pull the car over to reduce road noise. And if you remember, turn off the sound notifications on your device during your meetings.

Best Sound Quality – If recording the event and repurposing the content is a high priority, get a high quality noise cancelling microphone. If necessary you can opt to wear a headset with a noise cancelling microphone, like Apple’s Airpods Pro.

Host Meeting Controls – As a host you have many settings you can choose when you create your meeting. Did you know you are able to set up the Zoom meeting to allow others to unmute themselves, or for the Host only to unmute people. For the Host only to screen share, or to allow multiple people to screen share? You can also assign co-hosts for your meetings.

Warning – Zoom bombings are real! I recently learned about zoom bombings through a personal experience when a few people showed up during an online event and immediately unmuted themselves and proceeded to make disruptive noises and comments.

As a Zoom Meeting host, you can mitigate some of this risk by not posting meeting passwords, requesting people to register and then set up a waiting room so you can allow people who have been verified to enter the meeting. In a more public meeting where all are invited it’s not as easy to control however the meeting host always has the option to mute everyone. Some meeting settings to adhere to include:

  • Disable “Join Before Host”
  • Enabling “Co-Host”
  • Disable “File Transfer”
  • Disable “Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin”

Zoom added two new security features that hosts can use to address these disruptive and uninvited Zoom bombers.

  1. Suspend Participant Activities enables hosts and cohosts to suspend meeting functions, including video, audio, in-meeting chat and breakout rooms.
  2. Report Disruptive Attendees enables users, not just hosts and co-hosts, but also the meeting participants to report disruptive behavior like Zoom bombing from within the Zoom client using the “Security” badge. All account owners and admins need to do is enable reporting for non-hosts in their web settings.

Sources: Entrepreneur; TechCrunch; and Security Intelligence

Copyright 2022 Healing Time Books and HTB | Website Design by Katharina Notarianni. All Rights Reserved.

Black Friday Sale!

50% off stock photography on Dreamstime! Featuring HTBphotos stock photography for your print and website projects.

Healing Time Books presents HTBphotos on Dreamstime - Black Friday Sale 50% Off!
HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni

Click on the photo, or here is the link:

Hurry Sale Ends Soon!

Don’t wait – the opportunity you have been waiting for is here!

Is becoming an author one of your personal goals? Not sure if you can write an entire book? How about a chapter?

Are you a solopreneur with some lessons learned and successes under your belt? Are you a network marketer with a story to tell? Or, are you creative and entrepreneurial in spirit and want to share your innovative ideas with others? Then, this opportunity is for you! Here’s a chance to collaborate with other like-minded people.

It’s true, you can become a BEST SELLING AUTHOR NOW…

You read that right… Follow these steps to get started:

Once there… simply choose to Be an Author In one or two upcoming bestsellers:

(1) Be a Success Maverick Book, or

(2) The Network Marketing Boom Book

…Get ready to be known as an International Best Selling Author!

My own experience has been fantastic with The Maverick Millionaire Publishing.

I am an international bestselling author with my book, Be A Success Maverick Volume 2, featuring The Maverick Millionaire Paul Finck and many like-minded business entrepreneurs who “Do It Different.”

Find Out More

Are you a thoughtful and careful sort? You can order a copy of Be A Success Maverick Vol. 2 to see if being a part of the next Be A Success Maverick resonates with you. Volume 2 is full of great information inspiration stories about how we created our success, and I am grateful to have had the experience to be a #1 international bestselling author.

HTB author Katharina Notarianni is number one best seller on amazon

Be A Maverick Success Vol. 2

Get Started Now!

Do you prefer to take action right away so no more time is lost? Then, let’s get started!

Once there… simply choose to Be an Author In one or two upcoming bestsellers.

Thank you! and best wishes for every success as you embark on your journey to become a bestselling author.

Have questions? Please contact

Demystifying Stock Photo Sizes for Social Media

Stock photo sizes for any social media post

I love the brilliant colors of autumn!

Add some fall colors to your social media projects with HTBphotos ‘Fall Foliage‘ Series by John and Katharina Notarianni, available on Dreamstime.

HTBphotos fall foliage series available on Dreamstime
HTBphotos ‘Fall Foliage’ by John and Katharina Notarianni has been cropped and resized to 1200×1200 pixels for social media purposes.

Stock photo sizes for any social media post

Graphics, photos, and other visuals are a necessity when posting content on social media!

And with copyright concerns, it is best to either take photos with your cell phone, digital camera or even your iPad, or leverage the many reputable stock photography sources like Dreamstime, or design services like Canva. There are even high quality free stock photo sites like Unsplash.

The question is, now that you have the perfect image for your social media post, what size image displays correctly across multiple platforms? Is that even possible? Yes!

Keep It Simple Strategy

Square images are ideal for Facebook and Instagram posts. Square format also works well for LinkedIn posts – and can work for Twitter.

Easy 1:1 ratio (square)

Instagram and Facebook photos: 1200 x 1200 pixels

Pinterest Pins (repurpose from Instagram)

All profile pictures* (allows cropping to circle format): 500 x 500

YouTube channel icon*: 800 x 800

Best size for link posts

As you can see the featured image at the top of this post also from HTBphotos ‘Fall Foliage’ Series, has been resized to 1200×630 pixels which work perfectly for WordPress blog posts as well as for several popular social media platforms that have a similar size requirement: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For specifics on all popular social media platforms, I recommend taking time to review Louise Myers’ Social Media Cheat Sheet.

Get noticed with a Video Cover

Facebook: Tell More of Your Story

Instead of a cover photo, now you can use a video. It can be 20-90 seconds and should be at least 820 x 312 pixels.

Louise Myers, Visual Social Media

HTB | Website Design

HTB | Website Design designs, develops and hosts mobile friendly business websites. E-commerce, SEO and Social Media packages available. Please contact to request a free 15 minute consultation.

What Makes A Website Great!

Is it time to update your business website?

Does your website inspire action? If the answer is Yes! then your website is doing it’s job.

If not, what can you do to make it better? Ask yourself:

Can anyone find your website?

  • are you on the map, as they say? Can search engines find your website?
  • does your domain name represent your brand?

Is it easy to use?

  • is it pleasure to click around?
  • does it look good on a mobile phone or tablet?

Does it present you and your business in a credible way?

  • are there reviews or testimonials about you?
  • does it list your credentials on the About web page?

Can the visitor easily buy or request your product or service?

  • do you have an email opt-in request?
  • do you have a contact form to request your service?
  • do you link to a shop where it is easy to buy your product or service?

Is it current or out-dated?

  • Does your website represent your current business focus?
  • does the platform get updates or upgrades frequently enough to keep up with the changing internet landscape?
  • can your website handle sudden increases in traffic?

If you answered NO! to any of the above questions, it might be time for an overhaul of your website.

Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Define the goal for your website – what do you want the visitor to learn, experience, buy etc.
  2. Streamline it so it is easy to use and content loads quickly
  3. Brand yourself. Evaluate whether you are consistently using your brand across all platforms – website, social media, email communications, etc.
  4. Make it mobile friendly – view it on your phone and tablet as well as on a laptop.

Need help?

If you don’t have time to do this all by yourself, we invite you to request a free consultation to help you achieve your goals.

Just fill out our online Contact Form, or by sending us an email at

HTB Website Design by Katharina Notarianni for SEO

HTB Free Book Offer

Special Offer: Give Mom a signed copy of The Beauty of Irises to help relieve stress.


Spring Blooms! Blooming in Katharina Notarianni’s garden… this one is called Night Moves, almost black when it first opens and turns more purple as time passes. Like velvet and silk. The lovely bright orange beard provides a nice contrast.

Click HERE to request your free book! ($10 shipping & handling)

For a limited time, you can request a signed copy of The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni for just the cost of Shipping and handling $10 to be shipped to your Mom or your Grandmother for Easter or Mother’s Day, or anyone else who is special in your life. Give them something beautiful to focus on, to relieve stress and panic.

Simply fill out our CONTACT FORM, or send an email to with your and your mom’s name and address. Payment by PayPal or Square credit cards are accepted. Details will be emailed to you.

Thank you for taking advantage of this Special Free Book Offer.

Happy Spring Blooms!

The Beauty of Authenticity by Anne Marie Foley

A new book by author and public speaker Anne Marie Foley, launches on on May 29, 2019.

Congratulations to HTB’s website client, author and public speaker Anne Marie Foley, who has a book launch occurring on May 29th!

Her story “Inner Authenticity, Outer Beauty” is featured in a collection of stories intended to inspire you to Embrace your truth to live a Life of Meaning, Purpose and Grace.

Anne Marie Foley - Book Launch square

Find out more about The Beauty of Authenticity. On May 29th, her book can be purchased on

In the meantime, sign up to receive your free book “Tips for Living Authentically Every Day.”

HTB announces Crystal Lemuria’s Holiday Sale


Welcome to Crystal Lemuria, a collaboration between Crystal Keepers, to assist Crystals with Consciousness in finding their next Crystal Keeper. 

Looking for something special for yourself to enhance your spiritual work in the new year? These magnificent crystals are seeking their new Crystal Keeper. 

We invite you to browse through Crystal Lemuria’s Shop and see if any of these crystals are calling you. If you are already a Crystal Keeper you know what we mean. If you are new to crystals, then take a moment to see if you feel a shift in your being, a touch to your soul, or a physical change like shivers or delightful tingles.

Whether you are a long time keeper of Crystals, or new to the concept, these Crystals with Consciousness are calling to their new keeper. As you gaze upon them, ask from your heart and your mind for an indication from the Crystal if you are its keeper.

Our crystals are pre-owned and have been helping their prior Crystal Keeper on their spiritual path for many years. They are now seeking their own next experience with a new Crystal Keeper of their choosing… 

Holiday Sale 20-50% off!

We welcome you to take advantage of our holiday sale: 


Crystal Lemuria, brought to you by Healing Time Books