HTB Website Design announces the launch of Eagle Flight Healing’s new website

HTB Website Design is pleased to announce the launch of Eagle Flight Healing’s new website to promote shamanic energy medicine services provided by Shaman Cathy Stubbs.

Eagle Flight Healing - Shaman Cathy Stubbs“Shamanic healing raises our vibration through the clearing of our light body. With the release of old traumas and constricted emotions, and with soul retrieval we feel present, alive, vibrant.” Cathy Stubbs, Shaman, Eagle Flight Healing LLC

Eagle Flight Healing’s new website features a mobile friendly responsive design with SEO that displays well on all devices, is easy to navigate and user friendly, and is connected to social media to facilitate automatic posting of blog articles to social media. To find out more, visit

About Cathy’s experience of working with HTB Website Design on Eagle Flight Healing’s new website:

“It has been a wonderful experience working with Katharina Notarianni of HTB Website Design, whom I engaged to develop my website.  I came to the experience a novice to business websites and tech.  She answered all of my questions with patience and mentoring, giving me the needed information to make choices when I did not have the background to do so. She is able, intelligent, creative and resourceful in crafting websites, making suggestions, giving and showing me options and guiding me where needed.  She helped make the experience easy and even elegant. I am still a novice and so grateful to have Katharina as a resource.  She is an artist at crafting websites!” — Cathy Stubbs

If you are interested in utilizing HTB website services to design and develop your website, please contact us by filling out our online Contact Form, or by sending an email to

21 Meditations From ‘Healing With Color’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni - Healing with Color - - 21 day meditation processLooking for a new meditative process to make a difference in your life? ‘Healing with Color’ features a 21-day process, whereby you meditatively experience one specific color each day following guidance given by Tara:

“…With each color we explore, these twenty-one colors, we will express twenty-one versions of our self, each one working in a particular manner, each one having a particular impact on Soul and Spirit. And so you might say, it is a metaphor for how each of you are in your world. You are a unique expression. You will never be repeated, though you may feel as though you have taken on so much of your family, perhaps your mother or your father. On your journey you do discover that you are indeed a unique expression. And more and more you reveal to yourself your True Self. It becomes a quest, a revealing of the mysterious. For though you see many similarities between you and other people in your reality, once you discover what is the same about you, you are quick to go on to what is unique about “me.” And that is part of your destiny: to express and celebrate You, your uniqueness. It is a never ending journey. There is always more of you to reveal. For as you discover more of who you truly are, you do evolve. It changes you each time you discover something new.”

— from Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-one Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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“If you are struggling with getting your book prepared for publication, you are not alone. Many creative people want to focus on what they do best, to create! By self publishing my own books, I unraveled some of the mystery surrounding the publishing process and found I had a knack for streamlining processes. I also love making the most of new technologies. Now I have fun helping other authors make the most of today’s technologies to publish their works. ”

 Katharina Notarianni, Author and Publisher, Healing Time Books

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