HTBphotos ‘Spring’ Series available exclusively on Dreamstime

In celebration of Spring with its budding plants, warm weather and longer days, we are pleased to announce HTBphotos ‘Spring’ Series by John and Katharina Notarianni, now available for purchase exclusively from stock photography provider

HTBphotos Spring Series by John and Katharina Notarianni
HTBphotos ‘Spring’ Series by John and Katharina Notarianni

Tips on which stock photo license to buy for your marketing needs offers Royalty Free stock photography, which is the most affordable and most popular license type of paid for stock photos. The “free” in Royalty Free means you don’t have to pay extra royalties. Instead you pay a one-time, flat-rate license fee, sometimes as little as 20 cents per image. You are entitled to use the image in a wide variety of uses such as on a website or a marketing brochure, a banner, in a video, etc. You have permission to use it unlimited times without paying extra royalties. This makes Royalty Free stock photography the best choice for budget-minded buyers.

If you plan to sell or distribute items, pay for an Extended License so you can use the stock photo on items to be distributed or sold further afield, such as on a mug or a t-shirt, or a digital media item.

Exclusive Rights are worth considering when you find a stock photo that is perfect for your company branding. Your exclusive license ensures others will not use the same image thereby securing your brand.

HTBphotos ‘Texture Series’ of Stock Photos exclusively available through Dreamstime

We are delighted to announce a new series of HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni available exclusively through Dreamstime.

HTBphotos ‘Texture Series’ of stock photos can readily be used as a basis for website backgrounds and as general stock photos in a variety of industries.

Healing Time Books - John and Katharina Notarianni - HTBphotos - Textures - 2
Introducing ‘Texture Series’ by HTBphotos John and Katharina Notarianni available on

What makes a stock photo image popular?

HTBphotos on Dreamstime - white-clouds-blue-sky stock photo is a top seller

HTBphotos‘ White Clouds in Blue Sky image is a best seller from John and Katharina Notarianni’s portfolio of stock photos featured exclusively on Dreamstime.

What makes a stock photo image popular? Here are some tips:

Images need plenty of “negative space” for the end user to add text, logos or other images.

Variations of the same shot, or a cropped photo, like the one above, may even sell better than the more detailed original photo.

Taking time to photoshop the original shot to increase dots per inch to represent print quality (300 dpi) and offering various resolutions from low to high quality also gives the end user choices for web or print use without extra work on their part.

Zoom in to “actual pixels” to scan for imperfections that can be easily fixed with photoshop, like dust or spots. Even the smallest issue may keep a buyer from buying the image, particularly if they plan to use it on a billboard where the image is blown up to maximum size.

Tagging the image with key words like blue sky, white clouds make it easy to find. Search engines like Google and Bing are more likely to bring up your image when tagged with key words.



New Years Sale on Crystals with Consciousness seeking new Crystal Keepers
(Sale ends January 31, 2019). Visit our website at for more information.

Crystal Lemuria - Purveyors of Rare Crystals with Consciousness

Happy New Year! from Crystal Lemuria

Crystal Lemuria, purveyors of Crystals with Consciousness for your spiritual work, brought to you by Healing Time Books.

2019 Color of the Year for Designers is “Living Coral”

Pantone has announced their 2019 Color of the Year “Living Coral.” 

Click the image to read more about how to use this vibrant color in your designs in the coming year…

Pantone Color of the Year for 2019 - Living Coral
2019 Pantone Color of the Year “Living Coral”

HTBphotos ‘Fall Foliage… Autumn Colors’ Series available on Dreamstime

In need of images of fall foliage or autumn colors for your website or print projects? Photographers John and Katharina Notarianni recently made available a new series of stock photos on to celebrate the season with ‘Fall Foliage… Autumn Colors’ series. Here are some images that are available on a subscription basis:

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Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with gratitude and best wishes for a wonderful time with family and friends.

HTBphotos ‘Spectacular Yosemite’ series of stock photos now available on

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In need of rest, relaxation and exercise… Yosemite Valley in California is one of America’s natural wonders and worth visiting in person to recharge and inspire you with a landscape that is bigger than life and hosts unique geological formations. Yosemite Conservancy has great information for planning a trip.

Healing Time Books is pleased to announce the availability of new stock photos, like the ‘Spectacular Yosemite’ series by John and Katharina Notarianni of HTBphotos, on for your website and digital and print publications.


21 Meditations From ‘Healing With Color’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni - Healing with Color - - 21 day meditation processLooking for a new meditative process to make a difference in your life? ‘Healing with Color’ features a 21-day process, whereby you meditatively experience one specific color each day following guidance given by Tara:

“…With each color we explore, these twenty-one colors, we will express twenty-one versions of our self, each one working in a particular manner, each one having a particular impact on Soul and Spirit. And so you might say, it is a metaphor for how each of you are in your world. You are a unique expression. You will never be repeated, though you may feel as though you have taken on so much of your family, perhaps your mother or your father. On your journey you do discover that you are indeed a unique expression. And more and more you reveal to yourself your True Self. It becomes a quest, a revealing of the mysterious. For though you see many similarities between you and other people in your reality, once you discover what is the same about you, you are quick to go on to what is unique about “me.” And that is part of your destiny: to express and celebrate You, your uniqueness. It is a never ending journey. There is always more of you to reveal. For as you discover more of who you truly are, you do evolve. It changes you each time you discover something new.”

— from Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-one Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni