Celebrating the photographic works of Walter Huber on National Camera Day

Walter Huber : Photographer

June 29th is National Camera Day. When you look around, do you see something that inspires you? Take a snapshot with your cell phone and share it with the world!

Technology has brought the world to life through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc., all wonderful vehicles for sharing our experiences in realtime. The opportunities for self expression offered by the camera are limitless.

Today we’d like to celebrate the works of the late Walter Huber : photographer, who had an uncanny ability to explore the contrast of light and dark in a beautiful way, mixing reality with mystery.

‘Tulip 1’ by walter huber

Walter preferred black and white photography so that he could print his own images and exercise more control over the contrasts. He used several cameras over the years to explore his craft: a Hasselblad, a Leica Flex, a 1930 collectible Leica and a 4×5 format view camera.

Walter created images that revealed his depth of insight and his great appreciation of life’s mysteries, and towards the end of his life, in the late 1990’s, he also dabbled in digital photo art just as technology was beginning to transform the industry.

We invite you to visit walterhuberphotos.com to enjoy his photos, or snap some of your own, whether with a camera or cell phone, on National Camera Day.

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