Congratulations to John and Katharina Notarianni for making available over 4000 high quality web and print ready images from their stock photography collection on Dreamstime. HTBphotos stock images are available exclusively through
HTBphotos Cafe Series available exclusively on
Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year, and the United States offers a spectacular show of fall foliage with vibrant displays of gold, scarlet, and orange. New England rates as one of the top spots, but did you know there are hundreds of state parks and forests around the country, with many locations to choose from? Check out an article on for a state-by-state guide to plan your Fall trip.
Are you looking for images to add a splash of color to your website, flyer or publishing project? We now have over 3,000 images in our portfolio.
If you are building a website that needs original high quality images, offers several subscription plans. Get 5 images for free when you sign up.
In celebration of Spring with its budding plants, warm weather and longer days, we are pleased to announce HTBphotos ‘Spring’ Series by John and Katharina Notarianni, now available for purchase exclusively from stock photography provider
HTBphotos ‘Spring’ Series by John and Katharina Notarianni
Tips on which stock photo license to buy for your marketing needs offers Royalty Free stock photography, which is the most affordable and most popular license type of paid for stock photos. The “free” in Royalty Free means you don’t have to pay extra royalties. Instead you pay a one-time, flat-rate license fee, sometimes as little as 20 cents per image. You are entitled to use the image in a wide variety of uses such as on a website or a marketing brochure, a banner, in a video, etc. You have permission to use it unlimited times without paying extra royalties. This makes Royalty Free stock photography the best choice for budget-minded buyers.
If you plan to sell or distribute items, pay for an Extended License so you can use the stock photo on items to be distributed or sold further afield, such as on a mug or a t-shirt, or a digital media item.
Exclusive Rights are worth considering when you find a stock photo that is perfect for your company branding. Your exclusive license ensures others will not use the same image thereby securing your brand.
In need of images of fall foliage or autumn colors for your website or print projects? Photographers John and Katharina Notarianni recently made available a new series of stock photos on to celebrate the season with ‘Fall Foliage… Autumn Colors’ series. Here are some images that are available on a subscription basis:
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Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with gratitude and best wishes for a wonderful time with family and friends.
In need of rest, relaxation and exercise… Yosemite Valley in California is one of America’s natural wonders and worth visiting in person to recharge and inspire you with a landscape that is bigger than life and hosts unique geological formations. Yosemite Conservancy has great information for planning a trip.
Healing Time Books is pleased to announce the availability of new stock photos, like the ‘Spectacular Yosemite’ series by John and Katharina Notarianni of HTBphotos, on for your website and digital and print publications.
Congratulations John and Katharina Notarianni for making available over 2000 high quality web and print ready images from their stock photography collection on Dreamstime. HTB Photos stock images for use in your web and print projects are available from
SPECIAL OFFER: Get 5 free images in first month when you sign up for Dreamstime’s monthly subscription. Follow the link: (then enter Referral ID: res16409905) in the form when you join. Thank you!
Add some fall colors to your website and print projects with HTBphotos ‘Fall Foliage’ Series by John and Katharina Notarianni, available on Dreamstime.
During a recent trip through Arizona, photographers John and Katharina Notarianni came upon a herd of wild mustangs known as the ‘Salt River Wild Horses.’ These are now a protected species thanks to efforts of the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group.
Congratulations John and Katharina Notarianni. This photograph of a western tiger swallowtail has sold the most copies from their collection of photographs on Dreamstime.
Western Swallowtail Butterfly by John and Katharina NotarianniHTB features nature photography like this western tiger swallowtail feeding on a butterfly bush (buddleia davidii) by John and Katharina Notarianni, available on Dreamstime.
Wildflowers like these photographed by John and Katharina Notarianni in the Anza-Borrego desert near San Diego will be coming into bloom in the next few weeks. This is a great opportunity for photographers to capture flowering cacti, ocotillo and other subjects in the Southwest desert landscape.