Get Help Self Publishing Your Next Bestseller

“If you are struggling with getting your book prepared for publication, you are not alone. Many creative people want to focus on what they do best, to create! By self publishing my own books, I unraveled some of the mystery surrounding the publishing process and found I had a knack for streamlining processes. I also love making the most of new technologies. Now I have fun helping other authors make the most of today’s technologies to publish their works. ”

 Katharina Notarianni, Author and Publisher, Healing Time Books

Find out how you can leverage our publishing services to self publish your book:

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Editing Services and more offered by Healing Time Books

Is your book getting bad reviews due to typos or poor grammar? Did you know that Healing Time Books offers three types of editing:

  • Proofreading: Proofreading is about doing a last review to catch typos and obvious problems with the content.
  • Copy editing: Copy editing is about grammar and making sure the content flows well.
  • Content editing: Content editing is about noticing when something has been left out or needs to be re-written. This may involve new content creation along with making corrections.

Fill out the below form to submit your Publishing Service Request for editing services. Other publishing services like developing a table of contents, converting your print book to eBook (or eBook to print book), designing a cover are also available:

Please select all that apply to your project:

Does your website need a make-over?

One of the things I have noticed is that many older websites just don’t display correctly anymore on mobile devices. Technology has changed so much and so rapidly.

If you aren’t happy with your current website, or want feedback on what you can do to improve your website, drop us a line using our contact form.

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