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Discover HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni on Dreamstime! For your website, digital and print marketing efforts.

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Copyright 2022 Healing Time Books and HTB | Website Design by Katharina Notarianni. All Rights Reserved.

What makes a stock photo image popular?

HTBphotos on Dreamstime - white-clouds-blue-sky stock photo is a top seller

HTBphotos‘ White Clouds in Blue Sky image is a best seller from John and Katharina Notarianni’s portfolio of stock photos featured exclusively on Dreamstime.

What makes a stock photo image popular? Here are some tips:

Images need plenty of “negative space” for the end user to add text, logos or other images.

Variations of the same shot, or a cropped photo, like the one above, may even sell better than the more detailed original photo.

Taking time to photoshop the original shot to increase dots per inch to represent print quality (300 dpi) and offering various resolutions from low to high quality also gives the end user choices for web or print use without extra work on their part.

Zoom in to “actual pixels” to scan for imperfections that can be easily fixed with photoshop, like dust or spots. Even the smallest issue may keep a buyer from buying the image, particularly if they plan to use it on a billboard where the image is blown up to maximum size.

Tagging the image with key words like blue sky, white clouds make it easy to find. Search engines like Google and Bing are more likely to bring up your image when tagged with key words.

HTBphotos ‘Spectacular Yosemite’ series of stock photos now available on

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In need of rest, relaxation and exercise… Yosemite Valley in California is one of America’s natural wonders and worth visiting in person to recharge and inspire you with a landscape that is bigger than life and hosts unique geological formations. Yosemite Conservancy has great information for planning a trip.

Healing Time Books is pleased to announce the availability of new stock photos, like the ‘Spectacular Yosemite’ series by John and Katharina Notarianni of HTBphotos, on for your website and digital and print publications.


‘Western Tiger Swallowtail’ is most popular – HTB Features Nature Photography by John and Katharina Notarianni

Congratulations John and Katharina Notarianni.  This photograph of a western tiger swallowtail has sold the most copies from their collection of photographs on Dreamstime.

Popular butterfly photos by John and Katharina Notarianni on Dreamstime

Western Swallowtail Butterfly by John and Katharina NotarianniHTB features nature photography like this western tiger swallowtail feeding on a butterfly bush (buddleia davidii) by John and Katharina Notarianni, available on Dreamstime.

Wildflowers at Borrego Springs by John and Katharina Notarianni

Wildflowers blooming in Borrego Springs desert by John and Katharina Notarianni

Wildflowers like these photographed by John and Katharina Notarianni in the Anza-Borrego desert near San Diego will be coming into bloom in the next few weeks. This is a great opportunity for photographers to capture flowering cacti, ocotillo and other subjects in the Southwest desert landscape.

Get HTB Photos on

HTB recommends urspecial Photo Restoration

Let urspecial Photo Restoration transform your old, torn, faded and damaged family photos and important documents to return them to their original glory. Healing Time Books is pleased to recommend their photo restoration services. Get your free quote! 

urspecial photo restoration by Karen Speer

Simply email your image to

Healing Time Books helps businesses like urspecial Photo Restoration make a splash on the internet.  If you need a website for your new business or your existing website needs a make-over, contact

Stock Photography Images Sale – Save 50% until January 3rd

Why you should use stock photos instead of ones you find anywhere online for your website and publishing projects:

  • Connect with and engage your audience
  • Shape better brand messaging
  • Illustrate your writings and website
  • Increase the likelihood of social sharing
  • Comply with copyright laws and avoid unintended infringement

Consider a stock photo subscription from Dreamstime:

'Dragonfly' stock photography by John and Katharina Notarianni

50% OFF on all subscription plans and credit packages until January 3rd.