Healing Time Books Bookstore Open for Business

We are pleased to announce that the new Healing Time Books Bookstore is open for business! Our bookstore is proudly affiliated with Amazon.com – this means easy ordering for you at the same great prices Amazon.com offers.

Come in and browse. The books we love and recommend are ones that have made a difference in our lives.

Many are focused on healing, as well as improving our well-being on all levels through better health, wealth, and loving relationships as well as spirituality. You will recognize titles by Edgar Cayce, Deepak Chopra, Abraham-Hicks, Stuart Wilde, and other leaders of the self-help genre.

We also recommend books about creating your reality through understanding The Secret and The Law of Attraction, as channeled by Abraham through Esther Hicks.

Background reading of The Seth Materials by Jane Roberts is also valuable.

We also are pleased to recommend our favorite Cookbooks. Cooking is such a pleasure and there is nothing more delicious and healthy than a home cooked meal, and there is no expert chef more famous than Julia Child.

And last but not least, books that are guaranteed to help you relax by taking you into other realms – J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series, Bill Pullman’s Golden Compass, Mary Stewart’s Merlin and Arthur Legend, and others.

New Release! The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni

Healing Time Books is pleased to present The Beauty of Irises, a new gardening picture book by Katharina Notarianni.


The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni
The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni
Click here to order your copy of The Beauty of Irises 

 A coffee table book with over 100 full color photographs of exquisite irises you might want to add to your own garden. This book is all about the beauty of  irises Learn tips for growing and landscaping with irises. Visit Healing Time Books to learn more about The Beauty of Irises, or purchase now from Amazon.com.