Healing Time Books proudly features the works of authors who have utilized our assistance to publish their books. If you are interested in finding out more whether we can help you move your project forward, whether it is formatting, editing, and publishing your book, or adding a website or social media to your marketing efforts, please contact info@healingtimebooks.com.
Steve Mittleman
There Is No Wagon – When It Comes to Dieting You Can’t Fall Off
#1 New Release on Amazon.com in Self Help > Eating Disorders and Body Image
#3 New Release on Amazon.com in Health, Fitness and Dieting > Vegan

Books by Steve Mittleman available on Amazon.com
About the Author
STEVE MITTLEMAN was launched when he won The Big Laff-Off on SHOWTIME! One of the rare comedians that appeared on The Tonight Show with both Johnny Carson and Jay Leno. He’s also appeared on over 100 TV shows ie. David Letterman, HBO, COMEDY CENTRAL and many many more. 50 commercials plus feature films and numerous sitcoms.
He’s also a speaker, auctioneer, host, comedian of course, podcast host and guest. Seinfeld: “Mittleman is always funny!” Steve Martin: “He’s funny!”
Steve’s new book, There Is No Wagon kicks off a series of books about a healthy lifestyle and health advocacy sprinkled with a bit of humor.
Get a daily dose of encouragement from Steve Mittleman on the World Wide Web – thestevemittleman.com.
Ross Barry Schwartz
Bildung’s Roamin’ – A Novella of Inquiry and Observation
Available in full color paperback and eBook formats on Amazon.com
Books by Ross Barry Schwartz available on Amazon.com
About the Author
“So here’s the little lady that started this big war.”
That’s what Lincoln said when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe.
The power of compelling writing to expand experience, open doors to new worlds and new ways of thinking, or even shared experience, compels me.
In high school when we read “On Walden Pond,” I was inspired to start this book in hopes of grasping even a little of that wisdom and brilliance. After studying Philosophy/ Anthropology (though really most of what I learned was through the Core Curriculum) at Boston University, I taught English in Busan, South Korea for 2.5 years and in Buenos Aires for 10 months, before “settling down” in gay ol’ New York. I’m what you call Openly Unconventional.
– Ross Barry Schwartz
Gary Nahrung
Steps to Net Zero: Practical and effective steps needed to reduce Australia’s domestic Carbon Dioxide (CO2) pollution – a fact-based, easily checked opinion essay by Gary Nahrung.
Available in full color paperback, hardcover and eBook formats on Amazon.com
About the Author
Author Gary Nahrung, an experienced horticulturalist, researcher, farmer, and recreational fisherman who lives in Australia, sees the impacts of rapid climate change all around him. As something of a science nerd, he considers himself to have a solid understanding of the science of climate change and its likely progression before 2050 and is frustrated by fossil fuel industries lies, and scientifically illiterate politicians and talking heads with undeclared motives, who are downplaying the risks of climate change and the mountain of measurements and data that prove it, and are ignoring the excellent cheap and effective options that could help resolve this. They may claim that this is because they do not want to ‘scare the horses,’ or that they do not believe that anything can be done. This is a massive cop-out and self-justifying lies, and is completely wrong.
First, we need to see the problem, honestly address the solutions, take the actions needed to fix the problem, and get to net zero well before 2050. Then, we need to get on with having a great life.
Australia is currently correctly seen as part of the problem. We can easily become part of the solution. Gary feels that his unusual background makes him better placed than many to see the risks, and evaluate opportunities. Australians are very high emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2) on a per capita basis, and Australia mines and exports massive quantities of fossil fuels (coal and gas). If combined, these sources make Australia the world’s fifth largest CO2 emitter. This makes the politicians and businesses blind to these risks, and blind to the massive opportunities a low carbon world offers us.
While the focus of this climate change book is on Australia, the issues occur everywhere and solutions can be applied globally. There is a clear sense of urgency and need for immediate action.
Books by Gary Nahrung available on Amazon.com.
Marilyn Marlow
Marilyn Marlow Books available on Amazon.com
Available in paperback and eBook formats in Spanish and English.
Marilyn Marlow’s passion for life engages readers using her creative forces. She draws upon a wealth of experiences in various mediums of art, reading, world travel, as well as from teaching children and adults for over more than three decades. For her love of children Marilyn always knew she would be a teacher. What she didn’t anticipate was the day the recruiter came into her college art class. Four days after graduation she left for Guatemala, Central America as a Peace Corps Volunteer where she learned Spanish and worked with Mayan artists for the next two years.
‘Amor y Luz ~ Un Mito de la Creación’ (Spanish Edition) / ‘Love and Light ~ A Creation Myth’ (English Edition), handwritten nearly forty years ago, was inspired by experiences living close to the land in the highlands of Guatemala. Perhaps too, it was a way to discover a personal connection with our privileged heritage of living on this planet. It definitely spawned a yearning to share with others visions of an expansive world. Equipped with another language, upon return, Marilyn found the perfect career niche as a bilingual teacher. Soon after beginning, she was also asked to be an English Language Development Facilitator in several schools. She supported multitudes of children and families from around the world to acclimate to their new environment. Equally important she educated teachers about how best to help the new students bridge language and culture. What an ideal opportunity to make a difference, incorporate language, culture and creativity while making a living! Now retired, Marilyn resides in La Mesa, California with her supportive and loving husband, Ken. She balances her time creating works of art, publishing children’s books and being enlivened by travel around the world. Her greatest desire is to touch and inspire the minds, hearts and souls of others through her creative expressions. If you desire to see more of her work, please visit: MarilynMarlowArtistry.com
Marianne Zaugg
Dr. McGill and Dr. Zaugg combined their talents to introduce the 5 Element Nutrition & Hypnosis System to improved health and well-being. “Eat Right Lose Weight describes a brand new approach to finally lose those last unwanted pounds that you have been holding onto. Together with you, we look at the path of weight loss that will best work for you while maintaining a sense of well-being, thus bringing body and mind into a perfect harmonious duo.” Take the quiz included in this book to discover your 5 Element Type.
Dr. Marianne Zaugg, Dch, PhD is known for Eco Urban Gardens non-profit organization and her Guided Imagery Series of meditations to reduce stress, panic, fear and phobias and improve sleep.
Marianne Zaugg Books available on Amazon.com
Katharina Notarianni
‘Healing with Color’ featuring Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, is available on Amazon.com
‘Network Marketing 2.0 Revealed’ is a collaborative book with Network Marketer Drew Berman
‘Be A Success Maverick – Vol. 2’, a collaborative book with The Maverick Millionaire Paul Finck, is available on Amazon.com
Katharina Notarianni Books available on Amazon.com
About Katharina Notarianni
International bestselling author, publisher and website designer Katharina Notarianni began her career with her first book, ‘The Beauty of Irises,’ which motivated her to start Healing Time Books, a publishing company with a mission to help authors make the most of today’s digital technologies to publish their works.
HTB Website Design, provides mobile friendly website design services including website hosting, SEO, stock photography and social media marketing.
In addition, Katharina Notarianni is also known as the Tara Channel. For over twenty years Tara has helped people on their journey of self discovery and enlightenment, working with them on personal, spiritual and business matters. Visit TarachannelLive.com for more information. Buy Katharina’s books on Amazon.com: Healing with Color.
E. Reenah McGill (1939-2021)
Reverend Dr. Reenah McGill, D.O.M., L.Ac., D.D., Author. Reverend Dr. Reenah McGill is a licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and Doctor of Divinity. She is nationally certified as a National Diplomate in Acupuncture and Herbology and Oriental Medicine and has more then twenty years experience as a clinical nutritionist. She specializes in pain control, weight loss and acupuncture for health and well being.
Poetry MS, Volumes 1 & 2, is a collection of poems by Dr. E. Reenah McGill that represent and reflect many changes in her life situations, thoughts and desires.
Eat Right, Lose Weight – Introducing The 5 Element Nutrition and Hypnosis System (ISBN 978-0982105238) was co-authored by Dr. McGill with best selling author Dr. Marianne Zaugg and is available in paperback and eBook formats from Amazon.com.
“Learning what to eat to be healthy with a trim body and lots of energy has been a pursuit of mine for a long time with limited success. Then I discovered while studying and practicing Oriental Medicine that each person falls into one of five major groups. With this knowledge I found a new but ancient method to eat foods which are good for me physically, mentally and spiritually. To that I combined this information into a system that could help anyone who wanted to achieve the same goals we all want for a lean, trim body that easily carries us through the day. I have tested it out with unlimited numbers of people and it worked. Then I added hypnosis based on my work with Dr. Marianne Zaugg and together we created this system to help you achieve the healthy weight goals of our clients. It has been a wonderful, fulfilling journey and I hope you’ll take the journey also.”
Read Tribute to Dr. E. Reenah McGill
Richard C. Richards (1935-2022)
Richard C. Richards, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, taught various philosophy courses at California State Polytechnic University,Pomona, for nearly forty odd years. He taught courses in Philosophy of the Arts, Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Logic and Semantics, Ethics, Business and Professional Ethics, Philosophy of Love and Sex, Aristotle, Existentialism, and The Philosophy of Humor. He earned his undergraduate degree at the University of California Santa Barbara, and his graduate degrees at UCLA, where he specialized in medieval philosophy, especially the philosophies of William Ockham and John of Mirecourt. He and his wife of thirty years, Marlene, enjoyed retirement with travel, operas, and concerts. He hybridized irises and won national awards with his introductions of irises into the national iris trade.
“The philosophy of humor has interested me for years, and with retirement, I decided to write the book, A Philosopher Looks at The Sense of Humor. It has a serious intent and a humorous approach. That way I can offend a larger number of people: both the humorous and the serious. My funeral occurred several years ago, but it did not take. But I got to put the fun back in FUNeral.”
In Memoriam: Richard C. Richards