‘Once Upon A New Moon’ by Katharina Notarianni

Coming Soon – We are pleased to announce Katharina Notarianni’s new book, ‘Once Upon A New Moon’, is available on Amazon.com in eBook format, and in paperback from CreateSpace.com.

Once Upon A New Moon by Katharina Notarianni‘Once Upon A New Moon’ by Katharina Notarianni features poems that were written during a time when the author was seeking to better understand life, the universe and who she is. These poems are the outcome of a New Moon shamanic creative group where each session began with a shamanic journey and the writing emerged out of the experience.

During her shamanic training, Katharina was also inspired to express herself creatively by crafting various “medicine” items. This book features full color images of some of her shamanic creative works to illustrate more of what’s possible with the shamanic creative process.

Even now, after many years, she is amazed at how the shamanic creative process, which involves establishing a connection with spirit and reflecting on who she is, who she has been, and who she is becoming, opened the doors of perception bringing about a deeper understanding of her Self and thereby enriched her life with greater love of self, others and all that is.

It is her hope that these poems will inspire you to begin your own creative journey of self awareness and creative expression.

Poetry MS by E. Reenah McGill

Coming Soon! Healing Time Books is pleased to announce a collection of poetry by E. Reenah McGill will soon be available in paperback and eBook formats:Poetry MS by Dr. E. Reenah McGill

‘Poetry MS’ by Dr. E. Reenah McGill is a collection of poems in two volumes which include pieces of poetry written over a span of more than forty years. They represent and reflect many changes in her life situations, thoughts and desires.

Poetry MS Volume 1 by E. Reenah McGillPoetry MS – Volume 1

Poetry MS Volume 2 by E. Reenah McGillPoetry MS – Volume 2

New Bilingual Children’s Book by Marilyn Marlow

Marilyn Marlow’s illustrated bilingual (Spanish and English) children’s book is now available on Amazon.com in paperpack and eBook formats.

Amor y Luz by Marilyn Marlow Available in Spanish with English translation
‘Amor y Luz’ – https://www.amazon.com/dp/154480881X/ref=sr_1_1…

Love and Light by Marilyn MarlowAlso available in English with Spanish translation
‘Love and Light’ now available on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/dp/1544732236/ref=sr_1_2…

This endearing tale transcends cultural boundaries and carries us all to a timeless place in our hearts. ‘Love and Light ~ A Creation Myth’ (also known as ‘Amor y Luz ~ Un Mito de la Creación’) expresses core values of friendship, courage, compassion, respect, and responsibility. The spirited watercolor paintings connect us to an ageless exploration of the moments of creation.First, from a tiny flicker of light, comes Sun. Then, from love, comes World. They dance and play throughout the day, without a care, joyful of their very existence. Time is suspended, until nightfall…when Sun must go away. Fearful, what will World do in the darkness? Together, a solution is found. A new meaning of life discovered. Will World be triumphant?As World and Sun continue to ensure our survival through their love and light, are we doing enough today to sustain our very existence? In light of all the alarming climate changes now taking place, will we be triumphant? Let ‘Love and Light ~ A Creation Myth’ quicken your heart into an act of love for our planet. Originally handwritten in Spanish, the translation has been included in ‘Love and Light ~ A Creation Myth’, along with helpful hints of how to use it with children. Please also refer to “How to Support Children Becoming Bilingual” for further information at: MarilynMarlowArtistry.com/Articles

To learn more about Marilyn Marlow and her art, visit: MarilynMarlowArtistry.com

New Release! The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni

Healing Time Books is pleased to present The Beauty of Irises, a new gardening picture book by Katharina Notarianni.


The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni
The Beauty of Irises by Katharina Notarianni
Click here to order your copy of The Beauty of Irises 

 A coffee table book with over 100 full color photographs of exquisite irises you might want to add to your own garden. This book is all about the beauty of  irises Learn tips for growing and landscaping with irises. Visit Healing Time Books to learn more about The Beauty of Irises, or purchase now from Amazon.com.